it’s been SOO long since i posted last time ;O; im so sorry! im really busy with the trip stuff and all,the other day, i went with some friends to this very cute shop called Muma, where these amazing cupcakes are made! SOOOO yummy!! om nom nom.i ordered a strawberry and a carrot one.
how cute is that!my friends ate one made of oreo cookies, a brownie one, pistachio! everything was so good.
after that, we did a little shopping. we went to a local store called Como Quieres Que Te quiera, and the girls got me a lovely gray skirt , this is what i wore
i had so much fun!!Later that day, i went to an arabian restaurant to celebrate my mom’s bday. i ate so much x-x but everything was really great.Last friday, my friends came over to have lunch, we made some pizzas and talked about life!i was in the mood for a dress up so i wore this
To sum up, yesterday i went to a familly lunch and a friend bday picnic, so i wore my new skirt!
super casual, but i liked it!that was what i’ve been up to, these days.i’ll post contest news soon! winners are soon to be named!!i hope you’re all doing fine n.nxoxoLessie
"and the girls got me a lovely gray skirt "No te jode! xDDD No me corregiste que era OLIVE GREEN?! xDDDDDEsos cupcakes se ven deliciosos, especialemnte el de fresa y.., y.., eso que veo en la ultima foto son cupckaes de coco?! NOM NOM!!! *O*
Me encanta el conjunto gris^^ Y dan ganas de comer esos pasteles =DBesotes^^
Que monada de cupkakes, me encantaria encontrar una tienda asi en barcelona!! Por cierto, el libro que estas leyendo en la cabecera es Alice in Wonderland? Porque es una edicion super bonita, ahora que me fijo. Besos!
@sistinas xDD ES QUE PARA MI ES VERDEpero hice una encuesta y todos lo ven gris o.oU supongoq ue es mas fcil de combinar?XD si los de la ultima foto son de coco y de brownie, eran la gloria@ichi pues si la verdad que estaban para morirse!@bunny el libro de la cabecera es sense&sensibility <3 es una edicion muy bonita