While i was in oxford, i had the change to go on daytrips to some fab places i was dying to go to.The first weekend we went to lovely Cambridge, which i must say is pretty indeed but i still prefer Oxford. sadly i have just this picture since my camera was kinda death that day (i know, so convenient) and is not even my camera who took it,but it works anyways.
the second weekend we went to Bath and Stonehenge. i was so looking forward to bath. since i’m a huge Jane Austen fan, and that was the reason i went there in the first place. but before going to bath, we went to Stonehenge. you know the place of the stones in a circle..well is not that a big deal to be honest, i think i would’ve been better if the weather had not been so bad, but it was cold and rainy and i was like, please let’s go back! i wanna see bath!
we had to go over the countryside, which is so cute and english looking, if you can say so.
so after all the cold and anxiety, we finally reached bath.oh i was happy and sad at the same time, so exited to see all the amazing things jane austen wrote about, but..i was wearing jeans. well yes, a small thing like that made me sad since i had a -regency inspired- coord prepared to that special day, but it was going to get all ruined because of the bad weather. anyway, i could totally see the ladies with their bonnets and the gents wearing tophats and looking oh so charming.First we saw the Bath abbey,an active Christian church situated at the heart of the city. Founded in 1499.
then, we went into the famous roman baths.
finally we had some free hours to walk around the city, of course i wanted to see the circus, the place that appears in. Persuasion.
in the jane austen center i had the honor to meet mr, Bennet!
and after all, enjoyed the city.
Marvelous place indeed. i wish i had a chance to know it better, now i know i shall come back, all dressed up and try a bit of the true Regency world.
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