• Sewing Post: Half bonnet

    hey ladies! i would like to show you my last work 😀i spent a little less than 2 days making this, i’m quite happy with the result. sadly it wasn’t for myself u.u i’ll make one for myself soon cause i love bonnets

    PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobuckethope you liked it 😀

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    9 Comentarios

    1. Al
      octubre 12, 2010 / 7:16 pm

      Cariño, has conseguido que me enamore un poco más del lolita en general y del classic en particular, ¡que vivan los bonnets!

    2. Caro-chan
      octubre 12, 2010 / 8:12 pm

      That is adorable! I've been making soft bonnets myself. Do you use wire to hold the brim up like that?

    3. asuka ☆
      octubre 12, 2010 / 8:43 pm

      This is so gorgeous! I love bonnets too, and this is exactly the kind of bonnet I'd love to wear.

    4. KittyDragon
      octubre 13, 2010 / 2:31 am

      So cute!

    5. Lessie
      octubre 13, 2010 / 2:48 am

      @Al me encanta provocar ese sentimiento!! <3 gracias@Caro-chan i used two pieces of Iron-on interfacing 🙂 thank you dear@asuka thank you so much

    6. Vamp
      noviembre 12, 2013 / 12:43 am

      So cute! *-*

    7. Nicole Miller
      febrero 10, 2014 / 7:14 pm

      Hi! Do you think you could post a pattern or tutorial for this bonnet? Thanks!! ^.^

    8. Nicole Miller
      febrero 10, 2014 / 7:14 pm

      This is so cute! Do you think you could post a tutorial or pattern for this bonnet? Thanks! ^.^

    9. Anonymous
      abril 14, 2015 / 7:16 pm

      ^ Agreed do you have a tutorial to go with this beautiful bonnet?

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