on saturday it was the monster walk 2010, lots of people dressed as bloody monsters walked the streets of buenos aires screamming and asking for blood.so much funthis is what i worethis guy had a sword. do i need to say more?
and to conmemorate momoko,
hope you liked it, how was your halloween?
cute outfit! I like the creepy doll :)a question about your stockings (or leggings?) Are those lines drawn on or are they stockings over a white legging? I love the look of them!
@riechan thank you! they are two pairs of srockings, the spider web ones and regular white ones!
that's pretty amazing! 😀 Also you look fabulous ~! I wish we had something like this around.
That is such an awesome idea, a monster walk. You look great, and a lot of those are scary.
Muy buenas las fotos! se nota que fue genial! Qué lastima que no pude ir :c
I love Halloween and this monsters walk is so cool! Your outfit is perfect n.nThe same day as Halloween is my boyfriend's birthday so we made a party with some friends, we eat and drink and wore costumes. I was a psychiatric insane girl with a straitjacket and my bf was a sycophant doctor. We had so much fun!
@carousellian thank you so much, it was lots of fun!@april thank you so much! indeed some of them were too creepy@mailo tendrias que haber venido, fue genial! muchas gracias <3@bryanna thank you, you had a great halloween it seems, awesome!