Hey ladies! how are you? how long has it been since i posted some proper lolita here? too long i think! i was busy with college and stuff and had no time to dress up or see my girls but i’m back on track now!As you know, last saturday was the second international lolita day, or loliday. We had a meetup like those we used to have back in the days, and it was lot of fun i must say!i wish less cold to do a real picnic outside!We went to Starbucks and spent the day chatting , basically.
apple muffin and cafe moccha om nom nom
long time without taking this photo!
i quite like the colour scheme here!
with mero showing the classic love! /amazing in mary magdalene
this is what i wore
op: victorian maiden
rest is random brand
Hermosa n_n ♥El link de long live lolita esta roto!
Love this!! You look stunning, like a brand model!
Your loliday looks like a blast! Is that a vocaloid cosplayer?Also, I absolutely LOVE the victorian maiden and mary magdalene dresses <3You guys look great!
Lessie mira mira, me hice un blog! ya te estas a poniendo a seguirme ¬¬… de pedo encontre el tuyo ni siquiera sabia que tenias :OOOpor cierto como es un blog lolita (a medias) despues voy a usar tus videos que estan re cope♥vos y mero estaban preciosisimas como siempre, que lastima que no pude ir realmente queria verte con ese vestidazo!, naciste para usarlo♥♥♥
You looked lovely! and I'm glad you had a good loliday