No, is not new the fact that High Brands like to use young girls as models, let alone actresses.
So while i wait for the pictures i took at Fashion Week ,let’s talk about this tendency.
There is always huge controversy about this, paedophile rumours and scandalous stamens always fill the air when campaigns are revealed.
Lots of the New-faces are under 21yo and even under 18 too, like one of my muses 17 years old Lindsey Wixon
16 year old Daphne Groeneveld , worked for almost every important brand there is, such as Chanel, Prada, Gucci, Miu Miu, Versace and others
14 year old actress Hailee Steinfeld for Miu Miu
Elle Fanning, (Dakota’s 13y.o sister) was chosen for Marc Jacobs latest campaign
and the most outrageous Thylane Lena Rose Blondeau for vogue
In my opinion i think fashion industry is always looking for something new to talk about, to get attention and publicity. It happened with actresses being models, with over the top designers like McQueen or Galliano.
I think this is just another game they like to play to get people’s attention, yes, they are young, most of them just kids, images are photoshoped and edited but we can’t be hypocrite, it is not the first time, and we can agree it won’t be the last one either.
What do you think, Avant Garde, publicity or just paedophile?
Creo que a los niños hay que dejarlos ser niños y no "disfrazarlos" de adultos con kilos de maquillaje y zapatos de tacon. Me parece de mal gusto e innecesario, más que nada cuando el fín es dirigirse a un púbico adulto.Muy interesante tu blog, siempre lo leo 🙂 Saludos!
También creo qeu a los niños hay que dejarlos ser niños, no soy psicologa ni mucho menos, pero siento que esto los hace someterse en un mundo adulto lleno de problemas, (tal como la imagen, el peso, la altura y blablabla) lo cual no es necesario, igualmente hablar de pedofilia me parece demasiado.Lindo blog! 🙂