• Home Sweet Home

    i got this music box in Portugal, at a really lovely store. It plays Swan Lake.

    Some of my necklaces

    Lots of postcards i got from various places (mostly Paris)  i have loads of them in my wall

    i love books, and most of all old ones, these are my father’s history books,

    my mother collec witches and owls, she has over 70 

    we all like antiques, so we have quite a few and this lovely camera with the theatre binoculars are my favourites, 

    Few things i love about my home 

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    5 Comentarios

    1. Tere
      septiembre 18, 2011 / 7:52 pm

      Me encanta esa caja de música!!!!!! y el collar del cupcake !!! muy buenas fotos

    2. Debbie No Está ®
      septiembre 18, 2011 / 8:11 pm

      No conocia tu blog, muy lindo! me encantan las antiguedades, preciosos detalles.Saludos!

    3. redtonic
      septiembre 18, 2011 / 8:55 pm

      Love this post. It's nice to see something even slightly connected with lolita again. I was starting to worry.

    4. Plami
      septiembre 18, 2011 / 8:56 pm

      Beautiful images! I love the retro cozy feeling in them!XoXoPlamihttp://www.fashionthrill.com/

    5. LaWi
      septiembre 19, 2011 / 11:40 am

      Qué post tan inspirador ♥

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