Last week was the Tartan Day parade, a special day made to celebrate Scottish culture.
It was lovely, typical dances, bagpipe music, historical recreations and much more.
Medieval dances
Roman fights
Me and Ferdinand vII of Scotland grenadiers
It was such a fun day
i hope you’re having a great week!
Muy gusto eso!! viva escocia!!besos!!
Great pictures 😀
OMG this looks amazing! wish I was there!Take a peak at my blog<3 Project Rattlebag xx
un amigo hizo recreacion ahi, no fui porque soy pancha 😛
Que bueno Lessie!!No sabía de esto..las fotos muy buenassssss!!Estoy con sorteos por el Aniversario del blog con muchos premios!!The Lady PoshBesitos!!Lulu
Yo bailaba escoces en el colegio.. con kilt, chaleco de terciopelo, y jabot en la camisa.. good old times!!! genial post, me hizo acordar